Secure your One 2 One Training Course Spot DEPOSIT PAYMENT FOR BOOKING TO BE CONFIRMED Complete the form below to secure your spot! Full Name *Please write your real, legal name!Phone *Email Address *Payment confirmation will be sent to this email!Training Course *Select courseDermal FillerMuscle RelaxationDermapen MicroneedlingPDO Threads LiftPRP Hair & SkinBBL Filler (liquid)MesotherapySkin BoosterComplications & AnatomyFat BurningCourse Attendance *Online Course (Theory Video Call)In-Clinic One-2-One Training ( Practice Hands-On)In-Clinic GROUP Class Training (Hands-On)Choose between Online, In Clinic or Group ClassStarting Month *Choose monthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberExact date & time will be confirmed via email after payment!Pay £200Online Training Deposit (Video Call)Pay £300Group Class In Clinic Training DepositPay £500In-Clinic Training Deposit (Hands-On)PAY BY CARD (Debit or Credit Cards) *VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, REVOLUTI agree with terms & conditions! *TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR DEPOSIT I understand that 200GBP is the amount i am paying to secure my spot for Video Call ONLINE Training Course Full payment for the rest of the amount will be made with at least 24h before course date & time Course dates can be reschedule with at least 48h of the initial appointment. I understand that the deposit is deducted from the total course price! I understand that the 200GBP deposit is non refundable in case I cannot attend the course. You are entitled to request one reschedule!I agree with terms & conditions! *TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR DEPOSIT I understand that 500 GBP is the amount i am paying to secure my spot for IN-CLINIC with practice Hands-On Training Course Full payment for the rest of the amount will be made with at least 24h before course date & time Course dates can be reschedule with at least 48h of the initial appointment. I understand that the deposit is deducted from the total course price! I understand that the 500 GBP deposit is non refundable in case I cannot attend the course. You are entitled to request one reschedule!I agree with terms & conditions! *TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR DEPOSIT I understand that 300GBP is the amount i am paying to secure my spot for IN-CLINIC in a Group Class with practice Hands-On Training Course Full payment for the rest of the amount will be made with at least 24h before course date & time Course dates can be reschedule with at least 48h of the initial appointment. I understand that the deposit is deducted from the total course price! I understand that the 300 GBP deposit is non refundable in case I cannot attend the course. You are entitled to request one reschedule!PAY INSTANT DEPOSIT